Sunday, February 05, 2006

Gong Hei Fatt Choy !

Chinese New Year is finally here! So far ive had five rounds of salmon Yee Sang, countless bottles of Heineken and Tiger beer, too much Chinese tea and too little sleep.

For me, this year's celebrations was a trip down memory lane. Met up with Hongkie cousins whom i havent seen in years. Had dinner with old school mates working in US, Australia and Singapore. Every CNY, I make it a point to call up old buddies for dinner and drinks. For us, its a tradition. We ate in the same restaurants sitting in the same places! Its wonderful to see how well theyre doing in their careers. I know some other school mates who still play Counter Strike as a profession. Imagine playing the same pc game from 1998 till this moment!

Ang Pow collection was pretty good this year too!...wont say how much, but was enough to cover the booze...ahha...somehow i still miss British ale....oh well...but hey, its the new year!....i hope an pray that this year i'll be able to foster closer bonds with family, friends, and most importantly God...sometimes i get too busy and caught up with my own selfish ambitions and interests that i hardly take the time to pause and see how meaningless and mundane my life is without His purpose...often, I take for granted the people and possesions i my goal this year is to strive for a purpose driven life whist making loadsa money!....for we know that money is not the root of evil, its the LOVE of money thats evil!....Cheers!

Wishing all my buddies and close friends the very best of 2006. May this new season be one of new discovery, stronger bonds, and hope for better things to come. Kampai!


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